Welcome to Vital Reaction

You're not just a number to us. You’re like family. Here at Vital Reaction, we get what you’re going through... It's tough, and it feels like it just won't let up.

It's like one day you're feeling fine, and the next, you're just not. You might wake up with so much to do, but your body says, "Nope, not today." That's chronic disruption for you—it's like a shadow that follows you around, even when you're trying to outwalk it.

Like you, our friend Kim knows all about the ups and downs.

One minute she's fine, the next, she’s just wiped out, feeling all kinds of aches and missing out on life. It's been a wild ride, but guess what?

She found something that made a real difference, and that’s why we’re here – to share that same hope with you.

Welcome to Vital Reaction

You're not just a number to us. You’re like family.

Here at Vital Reaction, we get what you’re going through... It's tough, and it feels like it just won't let up.

You might wake up with so much to do, but your body says, "Nope, not today."

That's a chronic disruption for you—it's like a shadow that follows you around, even when you're trying to outwalk it.

But guess what?

You do have options, and that’s why we’re here – to share hope with you.

Meet Kim: A Story of Struggle to Hope

Imagine feeling tired ALL THE TIME. Like your "get up and go" just got up and left without you.

That was Kim's life every day. In fact, for three long years, Kim was a prisoner in her own home. No trips to the grocery store. No friends and family. Almost zero human contact.

But Kim’s story changed.

After hearing about this breakthrough called molecular hydrogen from a trusted friend. She figured, "Ok I’m skeptical. But at this point, I’ve got nothing to lose."

And guess what?

She started noticing changes, real changes within the first 30 minutes. Molecular hydrogen helps her feel a little better equipped to tackle multiple issues most days.

And Neurodegeneration Victim Kate...

Alzheimer's runs in our family, however, I'm doing my best to thrive given the whole situation!

Here’s today’s experience:

I had a headache when I woke up at about 5:30 am, but ignored it. Then about 5:50 I drank hydrogen water.

My headache was gone in about 5 minutes!

Amazing! I keep trying it randomly when I have something that doesn’t feel right in my body!

Hydrogen water it’s now my go-to for nearly everything related to bodily discomfort.

And Joint Pain Warrior Tony

At age 61, I came down with a severe bout with osteoarthritis that nearly disabled me.

I was unable to walk or climb stairs because of the pain in my feet, legs, and back.

When I went back on the hydrogen therapy, I noticed improvements immediately. After 1 week of treatments, I can go to work and stand on my feet all day, climbing stairs and ladders occasionally. From being totally disabled to being able to go to work is a huge improvement.

My pain has been reduced by about 75% so far, which is a huge reduction in pain. I am planning on making these treatments a permanent way of life.

The Need for an Ally

Chronic disruption casts a long shadow, with symptoms that linger, morph, and often confuse. It's a condition that can feel like walking through a maze with no exit in sight.

Everyone dealing with chronic disruption needs an ally, something to tip the scales back in their favor.

That's where Vital Reaction and molecular hydrogen comes into the picture—not as a cure, but as a potential ally in your fight against what you're dealing with.

Chronic disruption casts a long shadow, with symptoms that linger, morph, and often confuse. It's a condition that can feel like walking through a maze with no exit in sight.

Everyone dealing with chronic discruption needs an ally, something to tip the scales back to normalcy.

That's where Vital Reaction and molecular hydrogen comes into the picture—not as a cure, but as a potential ally in your fight against what you're dealing with.

You're not alone on this journey.

At Vital Reaction, we stand with you, pledging to walk with you through your current arduous journey.

We proudly present to you the Vital Reaction Commitment...

What is the Vital Commitement?

It's our promise to you for Trust, Results, and Accountability. It's our pledge, and it's also your first step towards optimal health.

Here's our stance...


We're all about making a difference in your life. Look at Kim, for instance. She turned to molecular hydrogen while battling crippling fatigue, and today, she feels better. While we emphasize that molecular hydrogen isn’t a cure-all, it's a potential partner in your journey toward managing chronic disruption.


Your decision to trust us with your experiences and struggles is a major leap, one that we hold in high regard. We return this trust by promising open communication and support throughout your journey.


Our promise to you doesn't end with words. We're ready to back up our promises with a 30-day guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied, we insist that you get every penny back. We want YOU to hold us and our products accountable.

Speaking of trust...

How Can Molecular
Hydrogen Help?

  • Imagine having a secret button for those days when just getting out of bed feels like climbing Everest.
  • That's what hydrogen's all about.
  • It's like a recharge boost for your mitochondria and cells to wake them up and kick that energy-draining fatigue to the curb.

  • Think of all that internal ruckus that cellular disruption can stir up. Kinda like a red-headed stepchild without supervision.
  • The good news is...
  • Hydrogen’s got a knack for calming things down by working with cells and how they communicate with each other.
  • It's like a pep talk for your cells, supporting your body as it regains strength and maybe, just maybe, helping you edge back to a normal life.
  • This lets your body focus on getting back to doing its job.

  • Simply put, Hydrogen might just be the coach you need for getting back on your feet.

    So how do you consume hydrogen?
  • Energizing - Imagine having a secret button for those days when just getting out of bed feels like climbing Everest. That's what hydrogen's all about. It's like a battery boost for your mitochondria and cells, helping to wake them up and kick that energy-draining fatigue to the curb.

  • Calming - Think of all that internal ruckus that Long COVID stirs up—yep, that nasty inflammation. Hydrogen’s got a knack for calming things down by working to soothe the tissues and let your body focus on getting back to doing it’s job.

  • Rebuilding - When it comes to getting back on your feet, hydrogen might just be the coach you need. It's like a pep talk for your cells, supporting your body as it regains strength and maybe, just maybe, helping you edge back to your pre-Long COVID self.

Introducing Molecular
Hydrogen Tablets

H2 Water in seconds...

Vital Reaction® Molecular Hydrogen tablets are specially formulated to produce a therapeutic dose of 10+ ppm of molecular hydrogen in a single glass of water.

To activate your hydrogen, drop the unique tablet into a glass of water.

That's how easily you can enjoy the long list of molecular hydrogen benefits.

Here's what makes our hydrogen tablets unique...

  • • Elemental Magnesium: A specialized form of magnesium that starts the reaction process. Not found in off-the-shelf magnesium supplements.

  • • Malic Acid: Helps separate hydrogen molecules in water to boost hydrogen concentration.

  • • Tartaric Acid: Helps Malic acid do its job more efficiently

  • • Adipic Acid: Helps control the release of molecular hydrogen from each tablet.

  • • Sodium Stearyl Fumarate: Helps each tablet dissolve at the right speed.

  • • Non-GMO dextrose: Contains trace amounts to act like a binding agent. (less than a calorie)

So how much is this going to cost?

Before we get to that we have one more surprise we want to share.

After listening to feedback from our customers we realized something was missing..

Here's the deal...

Hydrogen affects everyone differently.

Some people experience an immediate shift in energy.

While others report subtle changes.

And unfortunately, even though it's working behind the scenes, some people don't feel anything at all.

This has bothered us for some time because we didn't have a definite solution for measuring progress until now.

The Vital Score

What is the Vital Score?

We're inviting you to track your progress because we want you to know hydrogen is working for you.

Here’s how it works for you...

• Daily Check-Ins - Each day, you'll tell us how you're feeling—honestly, no sugar-coating. You'll score your pain, energy, mood, and overall improvement. It's like keeping a health diary that shows you how far you've come over the month. This will take less than a minute.

• See Progress - All those daily numbers? They add up to your "Vital Score." This score paints a picture of your progress, and we bet you’ll love seeing those numbers get better as the days go by.

• Real Impact - Your feedback is gold to us. It helps us understand what works, what doesn't, and how we can keep making our molecular hydrogen the best it can be for you and everyone else facing a chronic disruption.

This is not obligatory. But we encourage you to participate so you can monitor and celebrate the changes happening in your body.

We're inviting you to try our Vital Reaction Challenge—a journey to feeling better, enjoying more energy, and giving your voice a platform.

Here’s how it works for you...

Daily Check-Ins - Each day, you'll tell us how you're feeling—honestly, no sugar-coating. You'll score your pain, energy, mood, and overall improvement. It's like keeping a health diary that shows you how far you've come over the month.

See Progress - All those daily numbers? They add up to your "Vital Score." This score paints a picture of your progress, and we bet you’ll love seeing those numbers get better as the days go by.

Real Impact - Your feedback is gold to us. It helps us understand what works, what doesn't, and how we can keep making our molecular hydrogen the best it can be for you and everyone else facing Long COVID.

For this small investment, you'll receive...

  • ✅ One or more bottles of hydrogen tablets (each bottle is a 30-day supply).  
  • ✅ Our VITAL commitment - Remember YOU judge us.
  • ✅ Access to the Vital Score tracking system.

✅ And a 30-day guarantee so you have nothing to risk.

You're either 100% satisfied or you get your money.

Listen, our goal is to help YOU feel better. This is why we want you to judge us and our products to make sure they work for you.

Said that, if you're ready for a change...

Join The Community

1. Sign Up: No long waits, no complicated steps. Start fresh with a 14-day promise to yourself.

2. Daily Tablet: Add a Molecular Hydrogen tablet to your daily routine. It’s super simple, but it has so much to offer as you've discovered on this page.

3. Track Your Progress: Our check-ins take less than one minute. Tell us how you're feeling, score your energy levels, rate your brain performance, and let us know how much better you feel than yesterday... And that’s it. No confusion. just a few quick taps.

4. See Results: Day by day, notice the difference. Are you feeling better? Is your energy up? You’ll experience the truth about what’s happening so you're no longer guessing.

5. Have A Voice: Got a question? Need some help? Just want to chat about how things are going? Our team is all ears, all the time.

Thanks for your time. And thanks for your attention.

We hope you'll try hydrogen for yourself and let us show you our commitment to your health.
